主页 > imtoken钱包app下载 > 福布斯:特朗普决定2020年比特币价格走势


imtoken钱包app下载 2023-05-07 07:14:45



文章称,市值最高的加密货币比特币的价格与中美贸易战有关。 目前,中美贸易谈判取得了一些进展,比特币价格正在缓慢但坚定地下跌。



从比特币的价格曲线来看,这种加密货币正处于下行通道中,可能很快跌至全年价格低点。 但若中美贸易战再起争端,或反弹突破9000美元。

Now, the key factor determining the two possibilities is whether US President Trump will be elected next year.

If he is likely to win the election next year, China will want to reach a settlement as soon as possible, and the two sides may reach an agreement early, because China does not want to engage in more serious negotiations after Trump actually wins.

如果特朗普在大选中不占优势,双方恐怕很难达成和解。 特朗普将攻击中国作为竞选策略。 因此,这将使贸易战更加激烈2020年比特币价格走势,从而推高比特币的价格。

Therefore, if Trump wins the general election, Bitcoin will fall, and vice versa, Bitcoin will rise. But when the election dust settles, bitcoin's price action could reverse.